Get Instant Quizzes from Your Class Notes

Quizzix instantly turns any set of notes into a ready-to-take quiz, helping you test your knowledge and prepare for exams efficiently.

Empower Your Learning

Enhanced Studying with AI

Quizzix leverages AI to help you learn smarter and faster. Upload your notes and within seconds, dive into a tailored educational experience with quizzes customized to your study needs, maximizing efficiency.

AI-Powered Quiz Creation
Let AI take the hard work out of quiz creation. Simply upload your notes, and our intelligent system will instantly generate detailed, relevant questions. This allows you to focus more on learning and less on the preparation.
Effortless Note Conversion
Upload your notes and watch as turns them into structured quizzes within seconds. Perfect for efficient preparation and maximizing study time.

Simple no-tricks pricing

Get lifetime access to for a one-time fee. Create quizzes effortlessly from your notes and optimize your study time efficiently.

Lifetime Access

Pay once and enjoy Quizzix forever. No subscriptions, no additional fees. Focus on your learning with unlimited, AI-powered quiz creation.

What’s included

  • Unlimited AI-driven quiz creation
  • Full access to all existing and new features
  • Unlimited quiz attempts

Pay once, own it forever


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